Monday, February 13, 2012

Here is my story board or my animation. Once I start filming I may add a few extra scenes though but they will be minor to simply connect the frames a bit more smoothly.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Jean Paul Trip

Walking into the first room I was completely amazed and entranced by each of the dresses as well as the clever video installation, as soon I found out that it was not only just one room but five I was excited beyond belief to be able to witness an artists creations. I spent a good portion of my time just analyzing how the outfit has come into place and the inspiration behind it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Storyboard Change

My first story board was really just o great of a challenge in the amount of time I had(plus of the fact I rather not carry a tripod deep into the woods) so I drew up a new one!

This one is a simple, fun little idea I had after having my cousins visit and play with their bubble cans in my backyard. I took the idea of blowing bubbles but instead of bubble I would be blowing out Jellyfish instead and they would hover above the ground a ways off from above my head. I'll publish the storyboard in a bit.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Working on my story board for our animation project this semester. I am really excited about doing it but already 1/3 done with my storyboard and I think I may have bitten off more than I could chew. Good thing I work well under stress and a deadline hanging over my head!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) Movie Review

Directed by Steven Spielberg, starring Haley Joel Osmet, Jude Law, and Frances O'Connor, it tells of a story with great meaning and symbolic truths to not only our world but that of a child's.
I've seen this movie quite a few times and in every doing so I would discover a hidden meaning, a genius prop placement, things that enhance the movie from its already perfect display. The story itself has many emotional sentiments that go along with growing up and maturing from fairy tales and storybook adventures, things that our main character, David, are the only things that he has left in his world.
The movie is set in the very distant future when machine has become man and vise versa, this predicting our soon to be future in the minds of many. The movie itself has been nominated for 2 oscars, won 12 awards and in addition had 40 other nominations. If you have not yet seen this movie I strongly advise you to do so. Rent it and make sure to have a tissue box in hand, I only hope this movie will leave you with the same, if not more so of an effect in life as it has done in mine.